You can be able to embed your YouTube video in your website or blog very well without experiencing any issues. 'Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame.' For instance, make sure that there is no missing W in or there is no missing forward slash in 2. You also need to make sure that no other omissions are made in the URL of the video that you are trying to embed in your website. If you just put the link without including this part, you are going to get the error. To solve this error, you need to make sure that the URL to the YouTube video that you are trying to embed has in front it. After saving the video and going to the localhost or server to test the video, that is when you will get this error. It occurs when you try to paste the YouTube embed code where you would like it to appear on your website. You are most likely to get this problem when the website or blog that you are trying to embed the YouTube video into has been developed using Dreamweaver. 'The file or directory could not be found.'
Common Issues and Solutions to YouTube Embed Code Not Working Problemġ.